Ryan Cao
Projects Uses Blog

A Complete Guide to Rewrites on the Web

~4 min


This article may contain outdated information, as it is more than two years old.

In this article, you’re going to get an understanding of what rewrites are (spoiler alert: they’re not a part of the HTTP spec like redirects are), and tons of ways you could make them in your web application.

Concept #

Rewrites are when you query a server for URL #1, but then the server decides to fetch URL #2, either on another domain or on the same domain, and then serves you the response as-is from URL #2. It is not an HTTP spec by itself, unlike redirects which use the Location header and response status codes 301 and 302 to identify one. Rewrites are a way of doing things on the server, not a spec.

Usage #

Rewrites are useful on several occasions:

Transitioning for legacy content #

Sometimes you are transitioning a website or web app from an old stack to a new stack, for instance, the old site being blahdyblah.com and the new site being blahdyblah.dev. And we want to gradually transition the stack, not just completely update the site all at once. This will create a smoother experience for users, and also make the transition team’s life easier.

With rewrites, you can rewrite some routes on the new site to the legacy server, because the URL wouldn’t change but the content being served is still from the legacy stack. That way, you can have a gradual transition through rewrites and gradually replace these rewrites with actual new content until the full transition is complete!

Single-page applications #

Single-page applications only have a single entry point, index.html, so when users navigate to another route on the server directly through the address bar the server must return index.html rather than a 404 page because that is what users expect. If you use History API-based routing such as in Vue Router, users expect to type the URL in again and get the page they were on. That is why you need rewrites to serve index.html on all routes and not do a redirect, which would change the URL.

Defeating CORS #

Cross-origin resource sharing is a system that allows JavaScript running on one domain to fetch data from an endpoint from another domain. For instance, a script running on github.com could fetch data from api.github.com and display it. However, when an API does not support CORS, it would be a pain to fetch data from that API on the client-side.

Rewrites can solve that problem! If you use rewrites to rewrite a directory on the same domain, for instance, /_github/, to the actual external domain, api.github.com, what you could end up with is that you only have to query the data on the same origin, which is enabled on every single domain on Earth, and the server will handle querying the external domain, which will not be subject to CORS rules. The result will obviously be the same, since you just return the response as-is.

Development API Proxying #

Sometimes you might want to access an API on the production domain or a staging domain while you are in local development. Of course, when you actually push the code, there wouldn’t any problems since the fetch requests are same-origin. However, when the web app is running on localhost, obviously this has become cross-origin. To mitigate this problem, we can use rewriting to rewrite a route on localhost to the production / staging / test API so that even though when we push to production the code will work nicely with same-origin requests, local development will work seamlessly as well because it has also been made same-origin by rewrites. For instance, Vite has this sort of dev server proxy in place through their development server, Koa, and Snowpack & Parcel v2 also support this feature.

Implementations #

Netlify #

When you assign an HTTP status code of 200 to a redirect rule on Netlify, it becomes a rewrite. This means that the URL in the visitor’s address bar remains the same, while Netlify’s servers fetch the new location behind the scenes.

The examples in this article use the _redirects file syntax, but all of these options are available in the Netlify configuration file syntax as well. 😄

If you’re developing a single page app and want history pushstate to work so you get clean URLs, you’ll want to enable the following rewrite rule:

/*    /index.html   200

This will effectively serve the index.html instead of giving a 404 no matter what URL the browser requests!

Vercel #

In your vercel.json, you can define a rewrites key which will enable Vercel to rewrite some routes on the CDN.


Rewrite object definition:

This example configures custom rewrites that map to static files, Serverless Functions, automatic query string matching, and a wildcard proxy.

  "rewrites": [
    { "source": "/about", "destination": "/about-our-company.html" },
    { "source": "/resize/:width/:height", "destination": "/api/sharp" },
    { "source": "/user/:id", "destination": "/api/user" },
      "source": "/proxy/:match*",
      "destination": "https://example.com/:match*"

Cloudflare Workers #

In Cloudflare Workers, you can use the the in-built fetch API, which works directly identical to the browser fetch API, to just return the Response object provided by the fetch to the client using respondWith. Here’s a demo:

const returnURL = "https://ryanccn.dev/";

addEventListener("fetch", (event) => {
  return event.respondWith(fetch(`${returnURL}`));

Conclusion #

Rewrites are when you query a server for URL #1, but then the server decides to fetch URL #2, either on another domain or on the same domain, and then serves you the response as-is from URL #2. This can be useful for single page apps, proxying to other services, or transitioning for legacy content. And we have introduced in the “Implementations” section how you can implement rewrites in three distinct platforms that lots of people use: Netlify, Vercel, and Cloudflare Workers.

Thanks for reading! 😃

Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

web http vercel netlify cloudflare

Published on 2020-11-26

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